wtFOCK (also known as Skam Belgium), is the Belgium international remake of Norwegian Skam. The first e isode was aired in October 2018, being the sev...
女巫莫甘娜(爱娃·格林 Eva Green 饰)谋害了身为国王的父亲乌瑟(赛巴斯汀?柯赫 Sebastian Koch 饰)企图谋权篡位满足自己登上王位的野心。在这个节骨眼上,法师梅林(约瑟夫·费因斯 Jose h Fiennes 饰)出走寻找乌瑟国王的私生子亚瑟(杰米·坎贝尔·鲍尔 Jamie C...
Two best friends make the best of going to high school by dreaming u fashion magazine hoto shoots, and bribing their siblings to model for them. Ren...