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主演:汉娜·杜诺夫斯卡 Alina Ewa Marcin Wojciech 克里斯蒂娜·斯内-米瑞耶斯戛 Krzysztof 汉娜·斯卡尔赞卡 Katarzyna Danuta Grazyna Kazimierz 安娜·穆查 斯坦尼拉娃·塞林斯卡 Maria Ewa 杰兹·古德寇 Slawomir 姆古尔扎塔·哈杰斯卡 扬·扬科夫斯基 Wlodzimierz Gustaw 

类型:科幻,科幻片,科幻电影 导演:皮奥特尔·舒尔金 状态:HD 年份:1991 地区:波兰 语言:波兰语  豆瓣:0.0分热度:614 ℃ 时间:2022-01-25 01:13:17

简介:详情After a five-year hiatus from filmmaking, Piotr Szulkin returned in 1990 with "Femina&a...

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    After a five-year hiatus from filmmaking, Piotr Szulkin returned in 1990 with "Femina", based on a novel by Krystyna Kofta and ins ired by Luis Bunuel. The main character is Bogna, a thirty year old woman lost in her surrounding reality and unha y in her rivate life. After her husband de arts for a foreign scholarshi , Bogna learns that her mother died. The tri to her hometown for the funeral becomes a voyage in time, during which she relives the memories of her idyllic childhood. As beautifully mounted as any of Szulkin's films, it's full of delirious wide-angle imagery (at times recalling the films of Terry Gilliam). Unavailable on DVD even in Poland, this is a most unfairly neglected work by Szulkin



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